Someone, somewhere had the nerve to say you only have 18 summers with your kids. Why crush momma’s hearts like that?
I’m completely squashing that notion, and giving thanks that we celebrated our son’s 18th birthday this week!
I’m no expert. And I’m certainly not going to tell you how to raise your children. But here are some things I’m learning as a parent...
When you make a mistake, admit it
and love them
Give them space to express themselves
and love them
Stop talking, and listen
just love them
Get outside and have fun together
love all of them
They’re listening to your every word, and watching how you handle life - be wise
and love them
You’re on the same team - act accordingly
and just love them
Get ice cream together - it doesn’t matter their age (or yours)
and love them
Say I love you - always
and always love them
Their opinions may differ than yours - show respect
and love them dearly
Put down your phone
and love them
Let them be bored
and just love them
Happy, healthy parents create happy, healthy children. Take care of yourself.
and love yourself too

Happy 18th Birthday, Son! We love you!