The Captiva Chapel by the Sea had been tucked away on my Pinterest board for years. I had never stepped foot in the little Chapel on previous visits - just admired her from the parking lot.
But this trip was different. It was a few days before Christmas 2021, and we were finally on Sanibel Island during the holidays.
My husband and I were in town for me to visit another specialist, in hopes to get a new direction for my healing protocol.
It was bittersweet.
I had dreamt about Christmas on neighboring Sanibel for years. We would build a snowman out of sand, live in our swimsuits and eat Christmas cookies under swaying palms.
This wasn't what I had in mind.
My doctor's appointment was over. It wasn't bad, nor good - it just was.
So after dinner, we weaved in and around the tiny side streets of Captiva until we found the Chapel.
As we pulled up, my heart whispered, "it's better than the photos". There she was, crowned with Christmas lights aplenty and an open door.
It was calm and inviting. The only sounds were waves brushing the sand and insects.
I roamed and danced under the lights. In all honesty, I could have set up camp and stayed all night. I asked my husband to snap a photo of me and my awkwardness.
I wasn't sure how I would do inside. You see, my My entire being had been carrying tremendous pain. I didn't want my emotions to be blubbering over and scare away anyone who came in behind us.
As I crossed the threshold of the Chapel, the glow of the alter was like a cozy grandma hug. I sat up front (opposite of what I'd do as a teen) and exhaled.
My husband stood beside me as I got teary-eyed. But they weren't tears of sorrow. I felt a lightness that had eluded me for months.
An inner knowing settled in my bones, and here's what it said:
All is well - no matter what.
God is good - all the time.
Expect miracles.
During this Christmas season, I hope you have a place that brings you comfort and peace. Whether it's a physical spot, or a daydream away - go there.
Please be tender with yourself, and always, always expect miracles.
Merry Christmas, beautiful one!