Dr. Leo came into my life during Leo season, and at a time that I was ready for a big energy shift.
Did you catch that? I was ready.
We unearthed a piece to my healing puzzle that I intuitively knew for years, but had no way to prove it.
After reviewing the myriad of protocols I would be on with Dr. Leo, he said, “You’re gonna have to put your head down, and block out the noise.”
Well I didn’t come this far to only come this far. It was time to level up.
Game on!
Part of my protocol was to detox my physical body. But, do you know what I’ve learned along the way? We should be detoxing on the regular, and I’m not talking about physically. Taking time to clean up our mindset, and refresh our heart space is essential.
Can we take a moment and agree that most of us can afford to detox from certain people, places and/or things?
Ya feel me?
I’m striving for my highest good because I deserve it. And in order to get there, I have to release what no longer serves me.
Friend, be bold! You deserve all the goodness in life. You really do.
It does, however, require your participation. You are energy. And energy begets energy. What you put out, and what you surround yourself with deeply matters.
Hold that head up, and step into your power. One step. One act of courage.
I’m cheering you on!
