When my children were small, and headed to their grandparent's homes, I would give them a pep talk. Those chats always included the simple phrase, "Mind your manners."
I wasn't expecting them to be perfect children, but it was my loving reminder to show respect and kindness to those around them.
My lil' phrases grew as they did. The tween years were coated with, "We're having a great day because we're making it that way." It was a simple attempt to remind them that we get to choose our attitude. It was a sing-songy moment we had before they hopped on the school bus. Did they care for it? Some days. Eye rolls would ensue on occasion, but I kept at it.
Now we have two teens at home. Ahh, yes, the beloved teen years. I'm not gonna lie, it's been good. Some challenges, but really good. I'm completely in love and fascinated with our children. I have enjoyed every age and stage that we have experienced with them. It's an absolute blessing and privilege to watch your children grow.
I now have longer conversations and speeches with them. And it's definitely more than they want to hear. But again, momma's gonna go there, so give me a minute of your time, please.
And thank you.
I remind them of their intelligence, their capabilities, and to choose joy. We discuss career options, and to focus on what they truly love doing. Money is awesome, but please choose something that makes you happy too.
They tire of it, but again, momma's going there.
"Be a gentleman," comes up a good bit to my son as he goes out on a date. "Be smart about your decisions," is on rotation as well.
"What did you just say?" comes out of my mouth a lot too.
I digress.
These are small snapshots of how I've chosen to speak over our children through the years. I don't want to paint a perfect picture. It doesn't exist. We have words with each other, and not of the mannerly kind. But, we aim to do better with ourselves.
I've realized over the years that I've become savvy at giving pep talks. You need a cheerleader? Let's goooo! You need encouragement? Come sit by me. I'm an eternal optimist, and I refuse to change.
Little did I know nearly six years ago that I would be put through incredible circumstances with my health and would rely heavily on my words.
Yes, you read that correctly. I relied on my words. And prayer. And faith. And action behind that faith. And much, much more.
I've been on a healing journey that has been both terrifying and beautiful. From the start of my healing process, I spoke health over myself. And it snowballed into some profound soul, mind and body work.
I never say I'm sick, have dis-ease or rarely even talk about what my health conditions are. I decided at the start that I wouldn't feed the beast anymore than it needed to be fed.
For years, I have spoken health and vitality over myself like it's my full-time job. Because you know what? It is. And I do the same over my family.
You have the opportunity every single day to choose how you want to speak to yourself, and how you want to perceive a situation. Is it always that simple? No. But are you worth it? HECK YES!
I've written Bible verses and positive affirmations on post-it notes and stuck them to my bathroom mirror. I have reminders that pop up on my phone daily, reminding me of what God and myself are capable of.
Here's a few that are on my phone now:
- My body knows what to do, thanks be to God
- Lord, thank you that I'm healed!
- Expect miracles
- Look at how far you've come!
They "ding" throughout the day, and I use that moment to check in with myself. I always stop, read the reminder, and smile. It's a great way to adjust my mindset if I'm having a tricky moment.
I've shed many tears throughout my healing journey, but I continue to strive for better because I deserve it. As do you.
It has not been easy. I don't want to make it seem like it is. But do you know what it has been?
Healing. Beautiful. Loving. Powerful!
And this applies to many topics. Instead of, "We're never getting out of debt." Switch that thought to, "Financial freedom is coming our way, and we're going to do great things with it."
You feel me?
Friend, may I challenge you today? Can you say something positive to yourself just before you fall asleep?
And how about when you awake tomorrow? Start your day with gratitude and one positive affirmation. Before you pick up your phone, or before you get dressed, speak goodness over yourself.
Mind your words. For real, real.
I'll leave you with these sweet lyrics my Grandpop used to sing to me. And let me tell ya, Pop never steered me wrong.
