I was curled up in a bench seat that was perched beside a local boardwalk. That spot chose me so I could people watch and write about it. I was thick into journaling at the time. My journals were therapy, and a secret doorway for me to start writing fiction. Whether it's truth telling, or make believe, writing is my balm.
If I'm not writing, I'm painting. I toggle back-and-forth; dip over here, sway over there to keep my creativity moving.
But then I question what I'm doing.
I'm like that with myself.
How about you?
With my journal pressed into my leg, I hunched over the blank pages and scribbled. It usually starts as nonsense, then takes a bit of shape. It depends on my energy, and what's going on around me.
Well, my people watching was a dud. A few folks walked by, but it didn't peak my interest. So I gazed off in a daydream, until I heard a booming voice call to me.
"You look like an artist!"
I stretched my neck like a crane and said, "Pardon me?"
The burly man in bright construction site clothing walked in front of me and spoke again, "You're an artist!"
His stride didn't change as I looked down at my journal and whispered to myself, Claim it!
With flushed cheeks and a crooked grin, I let out, "Thank you! I am!"
I scanned my clothing, touched my hair; searching for glimpses of my artistry. I mean, I had a hole in my jeans, but that was the only flare about me. I was simply sitting, gazing and daydreaming.
Whipping my head to the left, I wanted to see him once more.
But, he was gone.
I never heard, nor saw a construction site nearby. But, I do know this. That gentleman poured life into me that day. And he accomplished that with one sentence. One.
To this day, I can recall where I sat, the jeans I wore, the air temperature and that kind soul of a man who spoke good over me. I hold his words deep in the pockets of my heart, especially when I question my creative abilities.
And he taught me a tremendous lesson that day.
Spill it!
Don't hold it in. Tell someone how great their hair looks, that you see them working hard, or that you believe in them. Words matter. Thinking it is one thing, but speaking it is top tier. You never know when that person needs an extra boost of confidence or reassurance.
This is a wonderful gift to others. And let's take it a step further. It's a beautiful gift to you.
Friend, thanks for being here. You're a freakin' rock star! Shine that light, and have a blessed day!